You have fond memories of trick-or-treating and eating a ton of Halloween candy when you were younger. You may not be a kid anymore, but it’s still fun to dress up and enjoy sweet treats this time of year!
But while you revel in the festivities, tooth decay could develop and threaten your teeth. Is there candy that you should stay away from? Is any candy smile friendly? Can you have your candy and eat it too? Keep reading to find out how to avoid cavities after Halloween!
Candy to Avoid
Although all candy has some amount of sugar, which helps cavity-causing bacteria, there are certain kinds of candy that are especially harmful to your teeth, including the following:
- Gummy or sticky candy: Fruit snacks or little gummies may be fun to chew, but their sticky texture means that sugar adheres to teeth. Sips of water or salivation may not be enough to rinse the candy remains away, keeping acids on your enamel.
- Hard candy: Biting down on hard sugar is a sure way to chip or crack your teeth. But even if you don’t, the sugar stays in your mouth for a longer period of time and has the chance to spread all over your mouth.
- Sour candy: Sugar is naturally acidic, but sour candies are even more so. This added acidity breaks down the protective enamel and can lead to a cavity if you eat too much of these kinds of candy.
- Popcorn balls: This treat may taste great, but it poses several threats to your smile. The chewy, sticky sugar is something you should avoid, and the kernels can become wedged between your teeth.
“Best” Candy for Your Teeth
Not all candy has the same effect when it comes to tooth decay. Did you know that chocolate is probably the least damaging candy for your teeth? Compared to others, it is fairly easy to wash off enamel. Dark chocolate is particularly beneficial because it contains less sugar than milk chocolate goodies. However, if your chocolate candy also contains caramel or another sticky substance, it could make cleaning your teeth that much more difficult.
Bottom Line: Keep Your Mouth Clean
The simplest way to stop cavities from forming would be to not eat candy at all, but sweet treats are an integral part of Halloween! A more practical approach is to indulge a little bit and have a strict oral hygiene routine. During the Halloween season—and throughout the rest of the year too—you must brush your teeth twice and floss once every day. These habits keep bacteria and acids under control. Also, you must see your dentist at least every six months for professional cleanings and checkups to catch and prevent oral problems.
Ultimately, you can still have a good time this Halloween season, but being aware of the potential risks and making smart choices about your candy consumption can help you keep your smile safe!
About the Author
At Seahurst Park Dentistry of Burien, Dr. David Thomas has developed a reputation as the “friendly, neighborhood dentist.” He has the advanced training to handle complex treatments, but he finds the relationships with his patients as the most rewarding part of the job. Without judgment, he offers care that preserves and restores smiles. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Thomas, you can contact the office by calling 206-244-4622 or visiting the Contact Us page on our website.