Do you get stressed out when you think about visiting the dentist? Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable while you sit in the dental examination chair? Taking care of your oral health is important, and it shouldn’t be a difficult experience! Fortunately, you can sit back and relax while your dentist works on your smile thanks to sedation dentistry in Burien. With nitrous oxide sedation or oral conscious sedation, you won’t need to deal with any of the worries or fears that you typically might during a dental visit. Read on to find out what you can expect if you choose to opt for sedation dentistry during your next appointment.
Does Dental Sedation Put You To Sleep?
When faced with a particularly nerve-wracking treatment or procedure, many patients ask, “can you put be to sleep or knock me out?” While this may seem like an easy solution at first, being fully unconscious for any treatment comes with a certain level of risk. Sedation dentistry offers nearly all of the benefits you’re looking for at a much safer and gentler level.
For nitrous oxide sedation and oral conscious sedation, you’ll remain aware enough to answer simple questions and follow basic instructions. You’ll also be completely oblivious to the sights, sounds, and sensations that would normally cause you anxiety or discomfort. Some patients are so relaxed with nitrous oxide sedation that they drift off to sleep, but can be easily awoken when needed. Many patients don’t remember much, if anything, about their time with dental sedation, as if they had been asleep the whole time.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide is the lightest form of sedation dentistry. You’ll breathe in an invisible and odorless gas via a small mask on your nose, and in moments, you’ll begin to feel its effects. Most patients feel a light, airy, and sometimes tingly sensation. You’ll also likely feel happy and content, completely at-ease as your dental team works on your smile. When your treatment is complete, the mask will be removed and you’ll return to your normal level of alertness within just a few minutes. You’ll be able to go back to the rest of your day uninterrupted!
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral conscious sedation can help patients achieve a deeper level of relaxation than nitrous oxide. You’ll take a specially-prescribed medication by mouth before your appointment. Gradually, you’ll begin to feel more and more relaxed. Once you arrive to your appointment, the sedative will be in full effect. Many patients report a heavy-feeling in their extremities, and it’s not uncommon for patients to drift off to sleep. With oral conscious sedation, patients are very unlikely to remember anything about their treatment. In fact, you will still feel quite groggy after your appointment, so you’ll need a trusted friend or family member to drive you home.
Every patient’s experience with sedation dentistry is unique, but you can rest assured knowing that your dentist and their team will do everything they can to keep you safe and comfortable while they provide the dental care you need.
About the Practice
At Seahurst Park Dentistry of Burien, your family’s comfort and safety are always our top priorities. We’ve outfitted our office with state-of-the-art dental equipment and have maximized our infection control protocols. We are also proud to offer sedation dentistry in the form of nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation to ensure every visit is as relaxing as possible To see if sedation dentistry is a good choice for you, don’t hesitate to contact us online or at (206) 244-4622.